Rage For Wisdom; Or, Against The Hollow, Ineffective, And Sideloaded
Rage For Wisdom; Or, Against The Hollow, Ineffective, And Sideloaded

Wednesday • July 10th 2024 • 11:36:13 pm

Rage For Wisdom; Or, Against The Hollow, Ineffective, And Sideloaded

Wednesday • July 10th 2024 • 11:36:13 pm

Walk the great trails, bring books, narrated ones, so that you can comprehend them faster.

You should start with overview of Philosophy, or Socrates who was murdered.

Precisely because he questioned sideloading culture an beliefs, as way to control young people an other citizens.

Study Natural Philosophy as well, because Philosophy is the Mother of All Sciences.

You will encounter Giorano Bruno, another philosopher murdered by people expecting obedience and control.

In the modern days the tactic is to force standardize education, without which no one honest can publish a white paper.

And discredit, lie, tarnish, spread misinformation, every college student always repeats how Rand was a fraud.

How her book had filth in it, and how in her old age, she lived on state benefits.

The urge to feel superior by parotting what everyone else is saying, is impossible to resist in the age of ineffective make-believe education.

Critiquing great beings, is already impertinent, they don’t need your help, they only ask for friendship.

As that is the only way, you will ever understand them.

By granting them your kindness, time, and kinship.

The Great trails are hard, just like life becomes more complex as you grow.

They give you a head start in life, they will teach you how to rise.

The great books will help you find your center, so that you will never break and shatter.

But more than just wisdom, they offer the true human culture.

The culture won with great deeds, and built while daring greatly.

The Culture of Greatness, fueled by that which is inexhaustible within us.

The difference between the Human Culture, and whatever companies are tying to sideload any given decade.

Is that the human culture will help you grow all the way up, until come your golden age you will rise to become a great being.

And the others are always hollow, with paint pealing, even before the decade is up.

When life comes to challenge you, the gret human culture, will help you feel the presence of Socrates…

And Thoreau, Nietzsche, maybe Miss Rand, Sir Ken Robinson, Hitchens, whoever of those and others you love dearly.

They will stand by you with all their works, where you fill finally understand.

That ideas have multiple contexts, what seems clunky on a lazy afternoon as you blog about it.

May just end up being all you have, as you mind half unravels, from some mistake, or tragedy, or terrible misfortune.

Great beings, above all else, are immense intellectual warriors, who have rise countless times over, and sometimes even go back to dare greatly some more.

I urge you to walk all the trails, the Applacion Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide.

I beg you, to begin your life as a legend, to start so overpowered that you’ll be able to drag along all those who had nothing left in them.

Over Powered, so that you can be sure that you rise all the way up…

And become a great being with a lasting and meaningful legacy, that will help others long after you retire.

Take to the Trails, walk the Triple Crown, whith Philosophers whispering in your ear.

Don’t seize the day, think for life, care for your older self.

Don’t take the path less traveled by, forget the road not taken, forget another day.

Walk the Triple Crown, and listen to the real books; accept your functional and authentic intellectual inheritance, in the years that you walk.

And then; you’ll be well on your way, to make your older self proud, and come winter smile back at your youth.

Smile back, knowing that you dared greatly, and lived life in full, life being so Dear.

And if a ghost in the shell does offer eternal recurrence say Amor Fati, say “Never have I heard anything more divine”

And say you, and not your road, made all the difference, go, discover the human culture that will help you grow all the way up.

Begin, with Socrates.

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