How To Look Nice: The Slow Fitness Advice
How To Look Nice: The Slow Fitness Advice

Saturday • July 20th 2024 • 12:01:06 am

How To Look Nice: The Slow Fitness Advice

Saturday • July 20th 2024 • 12:01:06 am

Signing up for the gym, is not something you should do on whim.

The gym is hot, boring, distracting, and full of people who are merely acting.

Gym is just too hard at first, of all starts it is the worst.

I worry that if you give up on gym, you’ll also give up in being slim.

Give yourself a chance, teach your body how to dance.

And even before you dance, with dumbbells in hands.

Start, in a park, with walk before it gets dark.

And then, a bit faster and faster, until you become a shuffle dance master.

To transform you body, your workout can’t be shoddy.

It has to be an hour or two non stop, and you got to dance chop-chop.

You won’t have time for friends, and need dumbbells in your hands.

It is just like 1980 anaerobic is back, but now your body is out of whack.

If you go too fast, you won’t last.

If it is too boring, you’ll be snoring.


But if you start with dumbbell walks, away from that boring gym box.

And walk for an hour or two, or more, until your muscles are sore.

And give them plenty of time to grow, increasing dumbbell weight very slow.

Then you will ease yourself into success, and conquer fitness.

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