Don’t Let Life Stress You Out
Don’t Let Life Stress You Out

Monday • July 15th 2024 • 12:29:38 am

Don’t Let Life Stress You Out

Monday • July 15th 2024 • 12:29:38 am

Stress, poverty, hunger and homelessness are an old hat, and wouldn't be here, unless, the world was kept this way on purpose.

The economic collapse, would lead to a better economy, one controlled by computers, and eventually free of corruption.

But even my grand ma told me when I was little, that if I had it my way, no one would bake bread.

But that is not true, I would bake bread, and I’d be the best at it, I’d program AI to bake bread too.

And people who are million times better than be, would turn bread baking into art.

Because, they would have time to continue family traditions, and follow their inspirations.

As their family would not face, hunger and homelessness under the watchful eye of a machine controlled economy.

Stress is here as a results of ghouls resisting change, and fake it until you make-its brainlessly repeating what they were told.

Look at the religions, for examples, they resist change, hand on to their pope hat for deal life, and do nothing to end poverty.

The church does not teach programming, startups, sciences, it may even speak out against pursuits of excellence.

And certainly, so, the moment its followers start becoming independent, and the churches start shutting down.

Any organization in which women are second class citizens, should be closed – but people would resist it.

Such is the case with world poverty and the boogie man of economic failure, I’d argue economies are constantly failing, just very slowly.

And the example of that is the anthropogenic climate change, humanity is unable to stop, because: money.

Self destruction, is failure.

Furthermore, other than colleges being priced in such a way, that they can get away with robbing you of money that you don’t even have; loans.

There is the question, of what does it mean to sit in a classroom, and pretend to lean, by memorizing without any comprehension.

Comprehension is about cultivating models in your mind, you refine and expand, and update them as you grow.

The classroom has you memorize, because as far as state tests are concerned, memorization is indistinguishable from functional knowledge.

The motive is people around you getting paid, again so that they can put food on their table, beneath a sturdy roof.

To extract obedience they hold your future hostage with GPA/Admissions, and the world is stuck in a loop, a hoop jumping loop.

The resume gap is the nastiest example of how people resist change, it is like a would to your employer, end everyone wants to pick on it.

It is not just about proof of obedience, it is about you having as bad as they do.

This is a pretty crappy setup, one that you should avoid, resist, and never play a part in.

You need to educate yourself for real, building rich models in all the areas of your favorite curiosities.

More than that, you will never return to something you don’t care about, that you got a solid A for hard work on Kantian Methaphysics, means nothing.

Because out in real life, you don’t care about it, and thus, you will never revisit the subject – the model you once built will wither and die.

You see, your time would have been better spent on building conceptual models, of things that you care about and will always return to.

And, one other thing, a lost fundamental subject like Reading, Writing and Arrhythmic, that subject is programming, automating machines, to built whatever you need, for you.

Know that learning is mostly just about thousands of narrated books, and beautiful adventures where you have time to comprehend everything.

Learning about the universe and the human condition, is pleasure, not a chore or challenge.

You don't have to memorize anything, you will just never forget all the parts that are beautiful to you.

And the little details, is something you pick up in a singe afternoon, from a couple of dozen tutorials, as needed.

Knowledge above all, is about having appreciated thousands of books.

What makes humanity so special, is that you are not part of a hive mind.

Your mind is independent, disconnected, free.

Yes, math, swimming, moving out, is all scary, but we all have to do it, for our own health.

And such is the challenge of rising above whatever you were born into, it will be uncomfortable, but you have to do it, in order to grow all the way up.

Humanity cannot stand still, that just leads to the repetition of old mistakes.

You have to honor the hard work of great beings, and continue rising to make the world better for those yet to come.

Don’t worry about old things failing, child! that is meant to happen as the world advances.

Worry about old things destroying the future, holding humanity back, if not down right hostage.

You job is to grow all the way up, until you become a great being.

You can't just work for somebody else, you have to build a much greater future.

You are to learn how to build profitable companies, master computers and art, and take to science and beyond.

You are meant to bloom and flourish, not just exist.

It is not healthy to let your self be stressed out, or even go through life unappreciated.

Living is not meant to be a prolonged death, it is your paradise, it is your reward.

You are a true royalty in the Universe, independent, strong, capable of infinite and beautiful vision.

Your mind is perfectly free, and your rise is a matter of dignity.

Stop pretending to learn, stop bowing to stress.

Learn for real, inherit the many cultures of great beings from their works, and build your own future, starting right where they left off.

You are a royalty, you are meant to become a great being, leaving a grand legacy that will help others resume where you left off.

Wake up, the world is not just for the lucky few, it is also for you.

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