What Is Wisdom, At A Glance, By Subtle Analogy To Computer Programs
What Is Wisdom, At A Glance, By Subtle Analogy To Computer Programs

Wednesday • May 15th 2024 • 11:11:16 pm

What Is Wisdom, At A Glance, By Subtle Analogy To Computer Programs

Wednesday • May 15th 2024 • 11:11:16 pm

If all your mind was, was an operating system.

Wisdom would serve, as the command line commands.

They would allow, larger more complex applications.

The larger applications, rely on many of the underlying commands.

Without wisdom, you will not succeed.

With wisdom, you will transform.

With more and more, wisdom…

You will transform, more and more...

Growing, in capability.

There are good command, line programs.

And bad command line programs.

Larger applications can be warped, by bad command line programs.

I am tempted to make the long list, but, you’ll fight me.

I’ll just mention one bad command, that I know most people really want.

A brand name college education, yes, that is not a wisdom, it is a trick.

A retreat, to be precise, and I suppose someone will come up with a super Christmas.

While the holiday will cost less, a lot more people will get scammed.

An honest university would share their lectures, and in the age of simple AI, even the professors.

An authentic university has but one concern, educated as many as possible, as best as it can be done.

And your High School chemistry teacher, should have been hoisting you up to worlds most profound lecturers.

Rather than following some half thought out text book, that did not in-fact make you a chemist.

But let us focus on the positive side, where we don’t have to argue.

A wisdom is always positive, and always profoundly enabling.

Some requires experience, such as “Know Thyself”.

Where un-examined life is not worth living, because you are probably being used.

Others are perfect, and perfectly pure.

Such is the case, with one of my favorites. “The choices we make dictate the life we lead,” Renaissance Man (1994)

Or as I say, the choices you make today, dictate the life ahead of you.

This is not to say that consequences catch up, as the case might have been in the movie.

For example you should not demonize Nietzsche, for something he said when he was young and scared.

But rather focus on the positive end, this is a wisdom, that shows how you shape life.

Do you want to physically hurt your bully, or understand what has corrupted them.

Do you want to pretend to learn by memorization, or stay home and learn programming for real.

To mention a couple of examples, from my own childhood.

You see how a purely positive, easy to comprehend wisdom is.

It transforms you immediately, it puts you in control of your future.

Look how many people say “Life Sucks“, and let consequences of that path cut them off from their futures.

People ho say, I will read books, to learn from great beings, never say such a thing.

If fact they often profoundly love life, and constantly make fun of themselves just to bring even more cheer.

Or they write long winded poems that, have questionable endings, like this one.

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