Gently Easing Yourself Into Camping And Hiking
Gently Easing Yourself Into Camping And Hiking

Tuesday • January 21st 2025 • 12:15:39 am

Gently Easing Yourself Into Camping And Hiking

Tuesday • January 21st 2025 • 12:15:39 am

Hiking And Camping are the ultimate life hack, especially if you add narrated books from the library.

But it is a big change from the average daily life, and may seem impossible or scary.

But as you get older, you should camp and hike several months a year, it makes you young, wise, strong, healthy, fit, and even muscular.

But when you are young, still just learning how to do it, I have some simple tips for you.

First of all, the bathroom situation.

When you return to the civilization, one thing you will notice is how filthy toilets are.

And how crazy it is that people share them, civilization is not as civilized as you think.

But, yeah, only animals go in the woods, which is why you bring a second tent to use as your bath.

Just use an old tent, and don’t bring it back home.

Later on, you will discover that twilight is your friend, it works a lot better than a privacy wall.

Your second biggest problem are mosquitoes and ticks, and for that you need bug spray, and to avoid bushwhacking.

Stay on the trails, and yo shouldn't take shortcuts anyways, let things grow, and don’t freak out the chipmunks, they are friends.

If you do go somewhere, like searching for wood for your fire, you need long pants, proper shoes, and for gathering wood gloves.

You can tape the bottom of your pants, and spray bug spray, but, as always, avoidance is best.

Gloves are important, and cut-proof gloves even impoertanter, it is not bears that you have to worry about, it is your knife.

If anything will get you out there, it will be a cut, because you didn’t wear gloves.

Avoid carving, and chopping, and never cut towards yourself, that is the same as pointing a bow an arrow towards yourself.

That knife will eventually make a cut in the wood, and keep headed towards your hand, avoid.

Same with bears, avoid bears, and hang up your food far away in the tree.

Don’t eat around your camp, and don’t camp, where bears know there maybe food, avoid well worn campsites.

But the biggest problem, is getting started, don’t buy an expensive tent.

But a cheap one from a popular supermarket, they are not all heavy.

And get yourself a really fluffy sleeping bag, rated for cold weather, because it gets cold sometimes.

It is better that your sleeping bag is too hot and you keep it open, than that you have to jog at night to warm up.

Even if you are camping in summer, buy a sleeping bag rated for winter.

But, instead of diving right into adventure, first, setup your camp in the living room and play some nature videos for sound.

Then take your tent to your back yard, local parks, then state parks, by the time you get to a hike-in site, you will not have nay trouble.

And hike-in sites, are not that different, from a stay at a little wilderness.

In fact, hike in sites will tend to have raccoons, where a tiny wildness will be too big for cute little creatures.

The general lack of well established camp sites that are always occupied, wont have animals waiting for your crumbs.

Finally, I highly recommend you get a proper hand saw, from a local hardware store.

It will never fit anywhere, but the speed with which it cuts through logs, in amazing.

There are trees and stumps often too big for axes and batoning techniques, a brand new sharp hand saw, is the civilized hikers’s choice.

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