Timeless Book Friends
Timeless Book Friends

Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 1:10:58 am

Timeless Book Friends

Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 1:10:58 am

Humanity is not just divided by borders, but also by education.

What may seem to you as obvious, and maybe a bit wrong to you, is necessary and vital for a person stuck in an old or broken culture.

You begin with the narrated book at the library and hiking, where you can get away from noise and confusion, and doubt.

Where you will begin to inherit the functional and meaningful culture, of the great beings who wrote your books.

Their culture is quite simple, everything must be evidence based, and you must always aim to think about what you are doing, and check your premise.

Many of you, upon hearing of narrated books, adventure, and love of wisdom, and culture of greatness, and examining your life and ideas.

Will still ask a strange old question; “Then What”

Here, you have to examine your premise, because you are assuming that education only makes you more knowledgeable.

That is how High School education or cramming works, but not how real education works.

Just like there is no Pursuit of Happiness, as it must ensue from your pursuits.

Education, is about transformation, you don’t educate yourself, to become more educated.

But you aim to transform yourself into a more capable being, by inheriting wisdom and knowledge from great beings, and synthesizing your own.

“Then what?”, assumes that you will remain the same.

But the answer to this question is, then yo transform and discover more powerful and meaningful questions to pursue.

Not a day must pass, without a narrated book in your ear, and you must never pay for what is owed to you.

You can use an invisible earbud, or listen after school, but you need real education right now.

Giants of Philosophy, The Story Of Philosophy, and A Short History Of Nearly Everything, is a pleasant start.

These books will confuse you, at first, but they seem so alien not because you are unintelligent but taught to wait for lessons.

And with these books, you have to reach out an take them, you have to re-listen to the books 30 or more times.

Don’t feel bad about sleeping through the chapters, just listen and learn what little you can.

And as you learn more and more, your abilities to comprehend more complex passages will quickly develop.

You can’t just listen blindly, nor should you pick a trendy or shallow book, you have to find books that change lives.

Not all books will be entirely accurate, but they all teach you how to think, to the best of the writers abilities.

The perfect author that you will soon begin searching for, is actually the future you.

The authors that you will meet along the way, are your family, doing the best they can.

And the reason why mistakes exist, is because no one ever writes about what they are good at.

There is no time what what is within grasp, the authors that hope to help you, write on the edge, about things just out of their reach.

Forgive their mistakes, hope to address them in your books.

And please, understand that authors are not born on their birthday.

They are born on the day when everything around and within them, has unraveled, and yet they found a way to stitch it back, and better than ever.

That is exactly why they write, they are sharing their stitch with you, still on their knees from their crushing weight they turn to you before they rise.

Because they know they found something, and it can be made better, by sharing with you…

And letting you rise on top of it, and fix it, and make it better, in your own way.

They are delivering the wisdom that keeps them whole, to you, to make you stronger, to spare you what they wen through.

Go to your library, find clear thinking non-religious authors, and take their narrated books on adventure with you.

If they have already passed, re-awaken their spirits on trails and beaches, in the woods an mountains.

To comprehend them, become their friend and reach out to hope to understand them, an in return they will grant you their wisdom.

And you will begin your next adventure taller, stronger, wiser, more powerful.

You are meant to grow all the way up, and become a great being, and books and adventure is where it all begins.

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