Multiversal Travel; Or, Life After A Neat Nap
Multiversal Travel; Or, Life After A Neat Nap

Tuesday • August 6th 2024 • 8:54:28 pm

Multiversal Travel; Or, Life After A Neat Nap

Tuesday • August 6th 2024 • 8:54:28 pm

Buckle up buckaroos, another programming adventure, to doubt the strangest poem this side of missis-hippie.

When I came to America, all the TV shows, were talking about getting in touch with your inner child.

But none warned children, not to do that.

That is when I discovered my inner animal, a fierce, muscular house cat.

So as long as I could help it, I’d dress like a normal person.

But as I grew, the fact that I had something to do with cats.

Became funnier, and funnier,

One of the greatest heights, I ever reached.

Happened a month before Halloween, usually when I begin wearing my tail.

A day or two into it, a mail man, probably retired military.

Noticed me waddling to the gym, and, as he begun contemplating getting back into shape.

I took a slight turn, and my long tail came into view.

His confused muttering of “What the fuck?”, is one of the most precious memories I own.

I often spend days at the gym, vaguely pondering a bio-mechanical-like tail.

And I came up with a 3D printed design, that moves, as I move.

Though I am waiting for a more useful, variant.

My audiobook effort, named cat pea, where I hope to publish several audiobooks.

Is actually quite aptly named, for the age of artificial intelligence.

As each poem, p, for short, is in fact a seed, that the ai can optimize and even voice.

As a result I will publish my books, in all the world languages.

Including, some arcane ones.

But golly, y’all, all, nothing is as fancy as my naps.

Here the house cat in me, truly comes to shine.

And every few years, I nap so well, that I just become smarter.

Today is one such day, I went down contemplating programming.

And awoken with a set of new tools, for web development.

By far the most useful thing in programming, is the loop, a mechanism that iterates over a list of data.

And I work up understanding that the body of a loop, is a template, like a form letter.

It gets repeated over an over, with each iteration of the loop.

This would be all hat, no cattle.

If it wasn’t for the fact, that as a web component…

I can listen to signals, nest loops, and key them for efficient updates.

A signal is a number of a string, or an object, or in our case, a list, of perhaps a list of signals.

That announces, it has changed, when the value it carries changes.

A web component, is basically, the thing that makes a word bold in your text editor, or a web page.

It is a thing behind the text, that wraps a word.

This functionality is extended, to make big text titles, place images, make bullet lists.

It is a way to mark up text, a markup language.

If you connect signals, and this language.

Then parts of a web page, start listening to the signal.

And will react, when the signal changes.

If you create a folder structure, like in your computer.

You can give order, to all the signals that control a web page.

And by extension, control a web page, by adjusting settings in a simple tree.

Whenever you make a change in the tree, whatever is listening to relates signals will automatically update.

The tree is 30 lines of code, signals tools, about 20 to 40.

A component, is especially interesting, as these can be nested and carry their markup in a template tag.

The template tag is a big deal, because up until now crazy efforts were necessary.

To program markup, without getting into nitty gritty programming.

A language thing, called JSX was invented, but also frameworks like Angular, React, View, and Svelte.

Mountains of code, that now with the template tag.

And my signal extensions, are reduced to an afternoon of programming.

And yes, of course, I am neither the first nor the only to nap.

But I comprehended this, independently, it is an independent invention.

And the addition of the tree, already makes it more friendly than bare bone signal web extensions.

The tree, moves it towards the likes of HyperCard and Visual Basic.

Helping me build a shockingly sturdy backbone for Drag and Drop User Interface building.

And I am already working within a my own Visual Programming Language, where program components are connected by wires.

So the data back end, that uses action that change multiple signals, in response to user input, is already there in its nth permutaion.

After long days of bodybuilding, and feverish hopes of finishing a poem by 9PM.

So that I could go to bed early, and not at 2AM.

Which is probably, the reason why I nap sometimes.

But ladies and germs, in all my years of inventions, and overwork.

Not a single nap ever took anything, quite to the contrary, naps are something else.

They are creativity, they are rebellion.

They are health, and a reward for weeks hard work.

Look deep into your soul, try to get in touch with whatever is in there.

And see if it may love naps, because if that is the case.

Then you have a hidden talent, a penchant for invention and creativity.

Get in touch with your inner animal, and see if perhaps it can take you somewhere interesting.

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