Trail Mix Made Me Stronger And I Now Lift Longer
Trail Mix Made Me Stronger And I Now Lift Longer

Thursday • June 20th 2024 • 11:46:16 pm

Trail Mix Made Me Stronger And I Now Lift Longer

Thursday • June 20th 2024 • 11:46:16 pm

Most bodybuilders agree, that you shouldn’t listen to me.

But they are all wrong, and should hold their tongue.

Trail Mix will in fact take you far, farther than mixing powder out of a jar.

It will make you feel like rubber, and help you burn your flubber.

Oh there are calories in the mix, but their purpose is to fix.

Whereas restriction diet, makes you weak and quiet.

It seems that peanuts, soak up fruit guts.

And then release them slowly, unlike ravioli.

If you stuff your self for days, the sugars will release sideways.

Slowly taking care of your needs, as your body feeds.

Peanuts and almonds can hard, so as you crunch them say on guard.

You can crush them ahead of time, and even soak them in a spoon of salty brine.

Extra vitamins and electrolytes, may help you reach extra heights.

So really, please, for a proper fix, mix your very own trail mix.

Some say the more seeds the better, other that it does not matter.

But you, maybe once or twice, you could mixing in some rice.

Get creative with the sugar buffer, it will make you stronger and tougher.

Bodybuilding is quite a hassle, as you must use your muscle.

For muscle to hear you needing more, you must lift with a roar.

Trail mix is having hard to digest food in you, constantly recharging your muscles anew.

You know, sometimes, stuff just works, and goombas need to quit being jerks.

Cut out the twaddle, the body is not a scientific model.

The models aim to merely explain, we are not built like an airplane.

We are not built like a machine, advice bros need to quit being mean.

And if you have the perfect hourly diet, and all the might of a riot.

Then, do your carb loading your own way, and have, a nice day.

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