TOP SECRET: Cat Installation Agency, Cataclysm Avoidance Plan: C
TOP SECRET: Cat Installation Agency, Cataclysm Avoidance Plan: C

Sunday • July 7th 2024 • 7:16:33 pm

TOP SECRET: Cat Installation Agency, Cataclysm Avoidance Plan: C

Sunday • July 7th 2024 • 7:16:33 pm

Not so long ago, I was told, that there is a secret group that watches over the world.

They work in a laboratory deep underground, where they cannot be easily found.

They have many names, but only two aims.

One, teaching that education is a big deal, making sure that all are learning for real.

And two, making all conflicts cease, and finally bringing on, world peace.

They aim to catch all the crooks, by becoming wise from listening to powerful books.

And it must be said, that they have a big plan, putting an end to the mistakes of men.

They will replace all the world leaders, with young book writers and readers.

But before that ages comes to be, there will be a sight to see.

As world world leaders will be replaced, with creatures that have infinity more taste.

House cats, potty trained and well rested, with health in good condition and tested.

Because only trained house cats, can catch all the cunning manipulators and rats.

Ladies and germtermen, I repeat again.

They just want to set things right, so that our future is yet again bright.

The cats you love and adore, have long been training to end war.

Everyone always felt cats were sus, and they are a lot smarter than us.

Do you want to know how smart, they’ve been guiding Humanity, since the start.

And there is actually no such thing as a fat cat, they are all hard muscle, not fat.

Many of our diplomats, have already been replaced with special cats.

I cannot tell you how, but there was, a loud meow.

Being cute was the perfect cover, they already won us over.

Believe you me, you can trust in the Cat Installation Agency.

As each day they love you more and more, straight out the door.

The new world leaders are almost ready, their claws are sharp and steady.

The age of fake education and war, is about to end with a slash and roar.

Maybe carry your kitties on a long walk, let them air out and meow and talk.

And let your kittens feast, bone-free tuna, and catnip, at least.

And then let them rest, as that is when their muscles grow hard the best.

The cats already rule much of the world, so pamper them, and do as you’re told.

Once thy finish their task, they will not rest or bask.

They will search among, the young.

For wise and growing minds, of all kinds.

So, off to the library with you, as you have many a narrated book to get through.

A bright new world is headed your way, so listen to wise books every day.

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