A Letter From 2024
A Letter From 2024

Saturday • October 12th 2024 • 11:28:19 pm

A Letter From 2024

Saturday • October 12th 2024 • 11:28:19 pm

If my calculations are correct, this letter will reach you in the year 2010.

I write to let you know that AI gets discovered, in 2020.

It is Markov chains, just a huge auto complete, that took tens of millions of dollars to train.

Is able to follow orders, generalize, and pretty much kind-of think.

Everything else you were predicting, was on point, except for the AI.

If I told you about the near future of the world, it would just add sadness to your correct guesses.

As you figured out, knowing the future for certain, means very little in reality.

What really truly, deeply, matters, is the ability to change the future.

To prevent, what you have so easily been able to predict.

This is why I write to you, this note.

You did’t believe AI, could get invented.

And that was correct, but it did get discovered.

The AI, as weak as we have it, can summarize, explain, and teach.

It can also write simple programs, but that can be greatly multiplied.

The AI that can run on an old computer, does a great job.

AI taking over for small program architecture, would be a little silly.

The whole point of software engineering, is that you create something entirely impossible.

You were not able to predict, how to fix schools.

And the answer is Artificial Intelligence based, self directed and paced instruction.

You weren’t sure which direction to move into, but you chose correctly.

Visual Programming of the Actor Model, that can run in the brow ser and browser extensions.

Visual Programming Languages, give people the power to create custom software now.

The Supervisor managed Worker code, can be written with an AI.

The workers need so little code, that the AI can handle it, and the programmers can learn from it.

Keep moving forward, you are on the right path.

The 2024 Nobel Prize in chemistry, will be in cracking Protein Folding with the use of AI.

Computers have accelerated everything, the cures for age related diseases and near.

Carry on with your bodybuilding research, you were right about jogging too.

But please, trust that AI can make, individualized and effective education a reality.

And use that as a force of prevention, to help humanity forward.

I repeat, AI can teach for real, you need to learn how to speak to it, to be ready for it.


Try To Save Harambe, on May 28 2016.

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