Your Authentic Intellectual Inheritance; A 4th Of July Special
Your Authentic Intellectual Inheritance; A 4th Of July Special

Thursday • July 4th 2024 • 11:56:56 pm

Your Authentic Intellectual Inheritance; A 4th Of July Special

Thursday • July 4th 2024 • 11:56:56 pm

Your intellectual inheritance, is a body of knowledge stored in the wisest of books.

It contains both the wisdom that belongs to you, and the culture of the great beings that made the delivery.

It is not exactly an amorphous body of knowledge, it is more of a spire, a spike, a mountain above the sea of fog.

There has been a battle, between clear thinkers and manipulators.

You may know it as science versus religion, but that only gives religion credence.

There was never a controvert, and it wasn't just about science.

The sciences are just the daughters of Philo Sophia, of the love of wisdom or clear thinking.

It was a battle between a culture of clear thinking, and those who want to back wash a history.

That will turn you into a resource, it was always about profit.

Small minded men, will neither grasp the world, nor the gravity of their existence.

They merely slither, and sell the world.

A the top of this thing I termed a spire, is your beginning.

This is a point, where great beings, of the previous thinking generation left off.

Your High School was starved, and forced into state tests.

Which in turn forced teachers, to trick you, or coerce you into memorization.

This on top of them already being pressured, to grade each third of the class, as A, B, and C.

It is never a directed attack, as that would be found out.

It is a blanket of attrition, poverty, and stupid, men who demonize at welfare, and laugh at Universal Basic Income.

It is a broad brushstroke, to keep you in fear, and doubt, and disbelief.

Some will say, that this is just how the world works, but that is just how the world was made to work.

Those who see it as a problem, will say that all human problems can be fixed by humans.

And that is in-deed the correct path, the new generation must never be born to the errors of the old one.

That is an old trick, lack of progress, is an indication of foul play.

No parent, had they a choice, would want to see their children.

Get an education as ineffective as theirs, and yet, that is exactly what everyone gets.

There is no need to something a conspiracy, if the outcome falls short.

Then we must try again, to dare greatly.

Lest we get stuck, in an endless loop of meaningless suffering.

Make your way to the spire, child, begin with Socrates.

And move on up through each philosopher, identifying and rejecting the false ones.

And when you arrive into the age, of the Lady, the Gentleman, and the Officer.

Know that the Officer has no credence, wars are cultivated.

You will have to take back, the wisdom that has been stolen, or obscured, or twisted.

And place it where it belongs, a top our greatest of height, not lows.

And I offer you a sample, of what this battle is for.

I let you discover independently, and give you the repaired and restored wisdom only.

A human being will not lie, cheat, or steal, and which is more important, reject those who do.

How would that affect your classroom in High School, especially on the day when everyone started cramming.

How would that alter your culture and level of education, how, would it have changed the future ahead of you.

Begin with Socrates, and follow the course of the authentic history.

Not the history that you are told to accept, as rewriting the past, can only take you back to the past.

So that your battles count for real, and then; resume, where the Great Beings left off.

With you greatness marking a new height, for those who are sure to follow.

Do not abandon Humanity to the repetition of tried and true mistakes.

For all the tragedy within, will count for nothing.

Humanity must advance, and you, must aim to learn for real.

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