Getting Ready To Become A Trainer That Creates Powerful Results
Getting Ready To Become A Trainer That Creates Powerful Results

Tuesday • July 9th 2024 • 10:59:10 pm

Getting Ready To Become A Trainer That Creates Powerful Results

Tuesday • July 9th 2024 • 10:59:10 pm

Before you start teaching others, you must first do it yourself, give it a few months, you don’t have to go all the way.

But the following is advice is for you, and your customers, you just have to add details as you make the journey yourself.

We got four major problems to solve, Bro Science, Body Communication, Energy Food, and Trance.

One, bro science and uneducated doctors destroyed everything, stop helping, stop listening, focus on what creates results.

Two; in order to enter bodybuilding you must begin by jogging with dumbbells.

It is not about aerobic or anaerobic, tell people to stop backseating, just stop with advice and critique.

Bodybuilding begins by training the body, to jog with three pound dumbbells for an hour or two.

To get there, you must start with a couch to 5K jogging program or similar.

Once you can jog non stop, you jog into a gym and begin with 5 pound dumbbells.

You are just doing dumbbell exercises for two hours non-stop, one after another, so that muscle groups have time to rest.

When you are ready for 7.5 or 8 pounds, slow down and switch.

Even though you start with jogging, as your dumbbells grow heavier you naturally slow down.

Though at the same time you retain the workout duration, of just about two hours.

Your enhanced endurance, is how you signal to your body that you need more muscle.

Don’t let people tell you that this will make you feel tired or bad, endurance is your friend, go slow, your body will adapt.

Three, food; processed foods are marking you weak and slow, you have to switch to trail mix, and a source of protein of your own choosing.

You are not going to get far without trail mix, avoid candy and sugar, an start with raisings, and peanuts, adding dried tropical fruit bits and some seeds.

My guess is, it is the slow and steady release of sugar, don’t worry about the added calories.

Trail mix will eventually stop hunger, and replace your other meals.

Four, focus and energy, trail mix will prevent your muscles from being weak, but your mind will still need help.

That means music, and a constant effort to enter and stay in a trance.

You enter a trance, by lifting dumbbells to the beat of songs.

You have to select slow songs at first, later as you have customers generate the using AI to avoid copyright issues.

If you have enough customers, buy three or four $70 FM Radio transmitters.

And have them broadcast instruction, an then a slow , medium and fast playlist, at different frequencies.

Finally, when your customers start struggling to catch up, aside from slowing down the songs, give them an open source Interval Timer.

You can fork it, and modify it, so as long as you give credit the programmers will be OK with it.

The FM transmitter is not overkill, if you have a gym or neighborhood of 300 people.

Lastly, don’t advertise yourself as a trainer or fitness instructor, look at the big picture, call yourself a longevity advisor.

Bodybuilding, or living with endurance, puts extra decades to a person’s life.

And that is far more precious, then having a nice physique.

And again, I cannot stress this enough, gradually increase weights and intensity.

If you go too fast or heavy, your customers will not be able to advance.

Don’t push them harder the moment they can switch to a higher weight, let them get comfy, let them rest with the existing weight for a while.

This way they will be able to go higher, without even noticing it.

And don’t let anybody isolate muscles, muscles have their own sequence.

View a person twisting and turning with dumbbells, as being a single compound integrated muscle.

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