Michigan Under Attack By Extra Itchy Mosquitoes
Michigan Under Attack By Extra Itchy Mosquitoes

Saturday • June 29th 2024 • 11:19:47 pm

Michigan Under Attack By Extra Itchy Mosquitoes

Saturday • June 29th 2024 • 11:19:47 pm

A mosquitoes is a pain in the butt, and deserves to die with a splat.

-- Abraham “Gol Giddly Darn” Lincoln

Here is what you need to know, to dish out a deadly blow.

High powered lasers are your best bet, but if fire is all you can get...

Look up a tutorial on breathing fire, and blow, blow until they all expire.

Nobody knows how they got their start, but scientists have proven they are extra smart.

They don’t just bite or blindly attack, they hunt you in a pack.

As you can imagine, all that extra spice, does not make them very nice.

The super itchy, are especially bitchy.

You can’t wave them away, once they smell you they are there to stay.

Their bite hurts and will make you jump, and the resulting bump will be extra plump.

Their plan, is to drink until you look like a balloon man.

If your blood is extra sweet, then it is either fire, or defeat.

You may not always avid their enzymes, but you can make them pay for their crimes.

Carry a torch with you at all times, and bathe by soaking in lemons and limes.

When you hear that mosquitoes buzz near, spit your fire until the air is clear.

Always stay two to three steps ahead, and don’t stop spitting until they area all dead.

Counter every move before it is made, and corner then in a blockde.

Rain fire and brimstone, until you clear your personal zone.

And then laugh like a mad child, raised in the wild.

Unless, if it is your parents desire, not to let you play like that with fire.

Or if fire breathing is not something you can handle, then it is just as good to light a citronella candle.

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